What kind of place is the Cancer Consultation and Support Center?

  • I'm worried about getting cancer, so I want you to listen to me.
  • How much does cancer treatment cost?
  • The side effects are painful, but how can I take care of them?
  • I want more information about cancer for the future.
  • Will I be able to balance cancer treatment and work?
  • It is difficult to remove hair with medicine. I want to get as close as possible to the original.
  • I want to talk to someone with the same cancer, but where should I go...?

When you or your family has cancer, you may face many worries.
In such a case, please come to the Cancer Consultation and Support Center. A cancer counselor will visit you no matter how small your worries, such as things that make you think, "Is it okay to ask this..." or vague worries and doubts.
Cancer pamphlets are available outside the center, so please feel free to browse them. We also have samples and brochures of wigs and skin care products, so please feel free to drop by. We will also respond to concerns about appearance (appearance care).
In addition, we will not discuss the content of your consultation with your primary care physician without your consent, so please feel free to consult with us.
The interior of the center is furnished with furniture in chic colors, creating a relaxing environment. Before and after treatment, you may have various concerns. By talking about your thoughts, you can organize your thoughts and try to make your feelings a little easier.

Consultation date and time Monday-Friday 9:30-17:00 (excluding public holidays and year-end and New Year holidays)
Consultation place Cancer Consultation and Support Center (back of Tully's)
attendant Nurse/Medical Social Worker
Consultation method Face-to-face and telephone consultations *Anonymous consultations are also possible.
We will give priority to reservation consultations. Consultations without an appointment are possible, but please note that you may have to wait for a long time, or you may be asked to make an appointment on a different day.
Reservation method
  • Telephone: 078-302-4321 (main number) *Please say "Cancer Consultation and Support Center."
  • Please write the following in the body of the email.
    ① Preferred consultation method (phone or face-to-face)
    ② Preferred date and time 1st to 3rd choice *Please apply at least one week before your desired date.
    ③Email address
*Please set your settings so that you can receive emails from "How to make a reservation." We will reply to you by email with the reservation date and time. If you do not receive a reply within a week, please contact us by phone.

Consultation session by social welfare consultant

We invite social insurance and labor consultants to give free consultations about balancing work and treatment, returning to work, and insurance and pensions.

Consultation date and time 3rd Thursday of every month
14:00-16:00 *Reservation required
Target audience Cancer patients and their families
Corresponding person Labor and Social Security Attorney
Application method Please apply to Cancer Consultation and Support Center.
Reservations must be made after a consultation with a cancer counselor in advance.
Phone number: 078-302-4321 (main) *Please say "Cancer Consultation and Support Center"

Consultation session by Hello Work counselors

Free employment consultation sessions are held by Hello Work Kobe counselors.

Consultation date and time 4th Tuesday of every month
14:00-16:00 *Reservation required
Target audience Cancer patients and their families
Corresponding person Hello Work Kobe Counselor
Application method Please apply to Cancer Consultation and Support Center.
Reservations must be made after a consultation with a cancer counselor in advance.
Phone number: 078-302-4321 (main) *Please say "Cancer Consultation and Support Center"

Cancer Citizen Forum in KOBE

Lectures are given to the general public on various topics related to cancer.

Cancer citizen forum

cancer salon

It is a place for cancer patients and their families to gather and interact. Talking to family and friends that is difficult to say,
Would you like to get advice from people who have had the same experience and have fun chatting about trivial stories? be attended
There are many people. We are looking forward to your participation.

cancer salon

Recruitment of participants for Hyogo Prefecture Cancer Peer Supporter Training Program in FY2024

Hyogo Prefecture Cancer Peer Supporter Training Course will be held again this year.

Cancer peer support is an activity in which people who have experienced cancer support other cancer patients by "sharing their experiences and thinking together." We look forward to your application.

Click here for details

Cancer classroom

We want people to live fulfilling lives while managing their cancer well. With that in mind, we are holding a class for cancer patients. Anyone who is interested is welcome to participate.

Cancer classroom